The new GMA is a positive step for hunting in Victoria

Vic Hunters Back New Game Authority

A major national hunting organisation has welcomed the establishment of an independent Game Management Authority (GMA) in Victoria. A bill was passed in the Victorian Parliament last week, clearing the way for the new body to start work on July 1. Both Government and Opposition voted for the bill, with only the Greens voting against it, describing hunters as “cut lunch commandoes” and deer as “giant feral goats”.

Executive Officer of the Australian Deer Association, Mr Barry Howlett, says the GMA will take over responsibility for administering the Wildlife (Game) Regulations from DEPI. “The immediate differences will be subtle but the structural changes are important. This heralds a new era for the administration of game hunting in Victoria’” said Mr Howlett.

“We see it as a sign of both the maturity and the importance of game hunting in Victoria that the government has made this move”.

In a press release from the office of the Premier of Victoria, Minister for Agriculture and Food Security Peter Walsh said the new GMA will provide better service for Victoria’s 46,000 licensed game hunters.

“The GMA will have a strong focus on promoting responsible game hunting and will be responsible for administrative services including licensing, as well as education, compliance and enforcement activities,” said Mr Walsh.

“The authority will also work with public land managers and will give advice to Government on game management and pest animal control issues.

“The creation of the GMA centralises services for hunters”.

Minister Walsh said the Victorian Coalition Government recognised game hunting as a legitimate pastime enjoyed by tens of thousands of Victorians.

“Game hunting is a traditional activity for many Victorian families and the Victorian Coalition Government acknowledges it also generates significant economic benefits, especially for regional Victoria,” Mr Walsh said.

“The Victorian Coalition Government is spending more than $17.6 million over the next four years supporting game management services, including new education and training initiatives and compliance and enforcement activities.”

The GMA’s board positions, including chairperson, and Chief Executive Officer position will be publically advertised from Saturday. 

The skills-based board will collectively have experience in areas including law, finance, wildlife biology or ecology, animal welfare, public administration, communications, Aboriginal culture in relation to game management and both private and public land management.





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